- Qiu Yunzhe
- 性别:男
- 职称:助理教授
- 地址:颐和园路5号方李邦琴楼516
- 电子邮箱:qiuyunzhe@pku.edu.cn
- 个人网站:https://www.qiuyunzhe.com
- 谷歌学术:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=391alGMAAAAJ&hl=en
• 供应链管理与金融、技术创新与应用、医疗运营、双碳供应链
• 动态规划、数据分析、机器学习、博弈论、仿真优化
圣路易斯华盛顿大学,供应链与运营管理,博士 2016.07 - 2022.05
北京大学,工业工程和管理,硕士 2013.07 - 2016.06
清华大学,工业工程,学士 2009.07 - 2013.06
北京大学,信息管理系,助理教授 2022.07 - 现在
[1] Dong, L., Qiu, Y.*, & Xu, F. (2023). Blockchain-enabled deep-tier supply chain finance. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 25(6), 2021-2037.
[2] Kouvelis, P., Liu, Y., Qiu, Y., & Turcic, D. (2023). Managing operations of a hog farm facing volatile markets: Inventory and selling strategies. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 25(5), 1711-1729.
[3] Xie, D., Qiu, Y.*, & Huang, J. (2024). Multi-objective optimization for green logistics planning and operations management: From economic to environmental perspective. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 109988.
[4] Wu, J., Yang, W., Han, X., Qiu, Y.*., Gudkov, A., & Song, J. (2024). Hotspot resolution in cloud computing: A Γ-robust knapsack approach for virtual machine migration. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 186, 104817.
[5] Huang, J., Xie, D., Qiu, Y.*, Wang, J., & Song, J. (2023). Green supply chain management: a renewable energy planning and dynamic inventory operations for perishable products. International Journal of Production Research, 1-28.
[6] Kouvelis, P. & Qiu, Y. (2022). Financing Inventories with an Investment Efficiency Objective: ROI-Maximizing Newsvendor, Bank Loans and Trade Credit Contracts, International Journal of Production Research, 60(1), 136-161.
[7] Song, J., Qiu, Y., Xu, J., & Yang, F. (2019). Multi-Fidelity Sampling for Efficient Simulation-Based Decision Making in Manufacturing Management, IISE Transactions, 2019, 51(7), 792-805.
[8] Song, J., Qiu, Y., & Liu, Z. (2017). A Real-Time Access Control of Patient Service in The Outpatient Clinic, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 14(2), 758-771.
[9] Qiu, Y., Song, J., & Liu, Z. (2016). A Simulation Optimisation on the Hierarchical Health Care Delivery System Patient Flow Based on Multi-Fidelity Models, International Journal of Production Research, 54(21), 6478-6493.
[10] Song, J., Qiu, Y., & Liu. Z. (2015). Integrating Optimal Simulation Budget Allocation and Genetic Algorithm to Find the Approximate Pareto Patient Flow Distribution, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 13(1), 149-159.
Working papers:
[1] Jung, S. H., Dong, L., Kim, D., & Qiu, Y.* (2024). Government financing for clean technology development: Financial risk and social benefits. Production and Operations Management, forthcoming.
[2] Dong, L., Qiu, Y., & Rashkova, I. (2024). Sustainable or Not? Role of Valuation Heterogeneity and Operational Cost Structure on Product Line Design, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, R&R.
[3] Wang, R., Qiu, Y., Song, J., Su, L., Zhu, L., & Zhou, W. (2024). Dynamic Investment and Retirement Operations of Cloud Computing Service Management, Omega, major revision.
[4] Dong, L., Qiu, Y., & Jung, S. (2024). Data-Driven Agriculture Network Optimization: A Predictive Prescriptive Dynamic Programming Approach.
[5] Bao, F., Ma, Q., Qiu, Y.*, & Fu, M. (2024). A Data-Driven Multilevel Analysis for Deciphering Kidney Waste.
[6] Qiu, Y., You, P., & Zhao, Z. (2024). Reserve or Not? Managing Emergency Supplies with an Opportunistic Supplier Facing Yield and Demand Uncertainties.
2022华人学者管理科学与工程国际年会,最佳“管理实践奖” 2022
2021 INFORMS Finance Session 学生论文竞赛,决赛 2021
2020 IISE Transactions Focus Issue on Design and Manufacturing,最佳论文荣誉奖 2021
2014 IEEE Case 最佳会议论文奖 2014
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